Have you ever seen your kids with that determined look as they try to divide snacks or goodies evenly among themselves? They’re instinctively using math without even realizing it. MathStart taps into everyday moments like these to help kids relate to math in their own lives.
Sometimes, my kids ask questions that are tricky to answer, but I truly enjoy exploring these topics together with them.
What I really love about the Mister Water series is how it takes something as simple and essential as water and uses it to explore so many amazing science topics. We start with the water cycle, and with Mister Water, we journey through discovering how volcanoes form, understanding the dangers of water currents, and even exploring our own bodies. It makes learning so much fun, even for me!
The “Behaviour Matters” series by Sue Graves, stands as a delightful collection of books. Through their amusing storylines, these books provide an introduction for young children to the concept of choices, guiding them in decision-making and understanding the consequences of their actions.
In a recent chat with a friend, she shared that her child is in therapy due to struggles in recognizing emotions. This made me realize how crucial it is to help our children understand their own emotions. When our children can identify and empathize with emotions, it not only helps them in emotional regulation but also fosters empathy towards others.
Some words are easily confused with one another due to their similar spellings or meanings. In this mini series, our children will explore some of the most frequently confused words.
Hey there! I'm a mom of four based in Singapore, and I'm on a mission to bring all book lovers together. As a passionate reader, I noticed a limited availability of children's book reviews and books in Singapore, so I decided to curate and share only the books that I've personally read and loved. If you're looking for some great reads for your little ones, I've got you covered! Plus, some of the books I've mentioned can be purchased through my PO, so be sure to check them out. Let's spread the love of reading together!